Business Restructuring

Restructuring and Recovery

How BSK ensure success in restructuring and turnarounds

(Corporate development product series)

the service consist of four main topics:

  • Restructuring concept, this concept of the way forward out of the crisis. This detailed documents is the keystone for negotiating a suitable solution with pertinent stakeholders for example, with employee representatives or financial parties. The restructuring document covers six major areas: structure of business activities, market environment and competitive landscape, recent business history and causes of the crisis, restructuring concept - including measurement the impact, business liquidity and cashflow plan, financing concept.


  • Liquidity planning/management, Liquidity planning and management provides transparency about the Company's cash position and liquidity situation. it answers questions such as: how much cash do we have and where is it? What kind of cash outflows and inflows might we expect over the next couple of days or the next few weeks? Liquidity management primes the company to respond effectively when stakeholders want answers to those kinds of questions.


  • Restructuring concept execution, now restructuring concept must be put into action. Implementation of the different elements of the concept determines whether a restructuring effort is successful or not. BSK provides a clear and efficient approach to implementation with 360's view that ensures that stakeholders continue to buy in. We identify two execution phases:
    • Preparation is the set-up of the restructuring project organization, delineating the necessary task, providing a timeline, highlighting the interdependencies among project phases, naming those responsible for implementation.
    • Implementation, specific process step are laid out id detail in this phase. The implementation task force is assembled, assigned and equipped with the appropriate tracking and steering tools to ensure that the management team and all stakeholders are kept fully informed of the progress of the restructuring initiative.


  • Insolvency support, insolvency does not necessarily mean that initial restructuring effort have failed. It is a restrcturing option that merits consideratioin, depending on the Company's cost structure and financing options.


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